YouTube New Update – YouTube is one of the most used social media platform and video sharing, uploading application now-a-days. We cannot imagine our lives without using this app. But the app authority has some bad news for their users.
YouTube New Update – Check out YouTube’s new rule.
The app redesigned itself with mesmerizing features. YouTube recently introduced a new surprise for its Android and iOS users by redesigning and adding exciting features to the app. In this new rule, the authority has officially warned channel-holders to not sell the play-buttons.
If they do so, their channels will be deactivated. Not only that, the rule of YouTube new update says, creator awards are only for personal uses. The rule says, creator awards are only for personal uses. The creator awards of YouTube should not be sold or given to anybody.
If the violation of the rule ever happen, the person of the channel will face disciplinary actions by YouTube authority.
The disciplinary actions are:-
1) Forfeiture of the award.
2) Ineligibility for future awards
3) possible termination of YouTube or Google account.
If you have any questions or comments about YouTube new update, you can tell in the comment box below. Keep visiting our website for more.
Written and edited by Rajeshwari.