Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Shree CM MK Stalin declared Schools are to be closed and visited the Mayiladuthurai district to inspect the disastrous outcome caused due to the heavy rainfall. After the inspection The CM ordered to compensate those who were affected by the heavy rain in Sirkazhi, Tharangampadi taluks of Mayiladuthurai.
Holiday dates and places in Tamil Nadu where Schools are to be closed for heavy rains:-
As the Tamil Nadu rains continue, school will remain close today I,e., November 15, 2022 in the Sirkazhi and Tharangampadi taluks of Mayiladuthurai districts of Tamil Nadu. Honorable CM of Tamil Nadu declared a holiday for schools which belongs to the above mentioned districts the heavy rains. Earlier, Mayiladuthurai District Collector announced a holiday on November 14, 2022 for schools. This has been extended till today, November 20, 2022 as well. Also there’s a chance of declaring a holiday for the whole Tamil Nadu that is if the situation becomes much worse than it’s expected to be. (Schools are to be closed
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Schools are expected to be open tomorrow in the other districts of Tamil Nadu. Furthur No update has been received regarding Chennai schools and their closure till now.
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