Mystery of the Titanic, truth revealed by experts. Know more:-

Many arguments, discussion, debate happened regarding the Mystery of the Titanic after the movie the titanic was aired and there was only one question that the ship which shackleton was so proud of sank after collision with an ice berg? There must me some other reason behind that as well. But no one can actually answer that question, so experts went in search of the titanic that sank nearly 100 years ago. And they really found out the Titanic.

By Rebecca Morelle and Alison Francis, expert of BBC News Climate and Science:-

The first full-sized digital scan of the Titanic, which lies 3,800m (12,500ft) down in the Atlantic, has been created using deep-sea mapping. This scan provides a 3D view of the entire ship, enabling it to be seen as if the water has been drained away. (Mystery of the Titanic)

Experts expect that this 3D view shall unfold the mystery of what happened in 1912. How did titanic actually sank?

‘Astonishing’ new footage of Titanic shipwreck

Shackleton’s lost ship the titanic is finally found after 107 years

The book that records all disasters at oceans

More than 1,500 people died when the ship struck an iceberg on its voyage from Southampton to New York. (Mystery of the Titanic)

Parks Stephenson, a Titanic analyst, told BBC News said that the model was “one of the first major steps to driving the Titanic story towards evidence-based research – and not speculation.”

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The wrecked ship was first discovered in 1985. Images were captured through cameras but the full body cannot be captured due to lack of proper technology. (Mystery of the Titanic)

Reports of Magellan Ltd regarding Mystery of the Titanic :-

A deep sea-mapping company named Magellan Ltd executed the scan in summer 2022, and now they are engaged in conducting documentaries on the project. (Mystery of the Titanic)

Details provided by them:-

  • The new scan captures the whole ship entirety, revealing a complete view of the Titanic. It lies in two parts, with the bow and the stern separated by about 800m (2,600ft). A huge debris field surrounds the broken vessel.
  • Submersibles, remotely controlled by a specialized team, spent more than 200 hours surveying the length and breadth of the ship wreck. They took more than 700,000 images from every angle, creating an exact 3D reconstruction.
  • The bow, now covered in stalactites of rust, is still instantly recognizable even 100 years after the ship was lost. Sitting on top is the boat deck, where a gaping hole provides a glimpse into a void where the grand staircase once stood.
  • The stern though, is a chaotic mess of metal. This part of the ship collapsed as it corkscrewed into the sea floor.
  • Items are scattered all over the debris field, including ornate metalwork from the ship, statues and unopened champagne bottles. There are also personal possessions, including dozens of shoes resting on the sediment.

Review of park Stephenson on the scans :-

Parks Stephenson, who studied the Titanic for many years, said he was “shocked” when he first saw the scans. And he said “It allows you to see the wreck as you can never see it from a submersible, and you can see the wreck in its entirety, you can see it in context and perspective. And what it’s showing you now is the true state of the wreck.” (Mystery of the Titanic)

Further he said” We really don’t understand the character of the collision with the iceberg. We don’t even know if she hit it along the starboard side, as is shown in all the movies – she might have grounded on the iceberg,” he explained. (Mystery of the Titanic)

He did further observation and said that the stern could reveal the mechanics of how the ship struck the sea floor. (Mystery of the Titanic)

This article is entirely based on researches provided by the experts in the fields of science and others.

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