ISRO internship 2023: Good news, ISRO is inviting applications for internship. Apply here

The national space agency of India, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is hiring for the candidates for ISRO internship 2023 which is expected to be of a minimum of 21 days & maximum of 45 days.

General instructions for students who finished their course and wants to execute their internship.

Table of Contents

Requirements for ISRO internship 2023:-

  1. The candidate should be an Indian citizen.
  2. Only Students who have pursued courses in the disciplines of Science/Technology that are relevant to DoS/ISRO Programmes will be considered.
  3. The number of students selected for internship may vary because of facility constraints. It is the authorization of VSSC to accept/reject the application.
  4. In case there’s a large number of applications received for internship, it may not be possible to accommodate all the applicants. Meanwhile students are advised to search for other organizations also as an alternative, in the event of their application not getting through in the selection process.
  5. A student can pursue only 1 internship /degree.
  6. The student shall be permitted to carry out internship only at the ‘Unclassified Areas of VSSC/ISRO’.
  7. ISRO Internship is offered to students who just completed BE/B Tech, ME/M Tech, M Sc, Integrated MSc, B Sc (Physics/Chemistry) & BS-MS (Physics/Chemistry) programme from a recognized University/ Institution as a regular on-campus student.
  8. During the period of internship process. No stipend/claims/remuneration/financial assistance will be given by VSSC/ISRO. (ISRO internship 2023)

Duration of ISRO internship 2023:-

The duration of the Internship will be minimum 21 days & maximum 45 days, which can be between :

October – December, the last date t apply 31st August 2023. (ISRO internship 2023)

Must Read:-

TCS is hiring freshers: Students belonging to the of 2018-2014 can apply for (TCS NQT)

Additional information :-

  • Qualification for applying to Internship is aggregate mark of minimum 60 percent or CGPA 6.32 on a scale of 10.
  • Certificate of Degree/provisional degree and a detailed biodata must be attached separately with the details of educational qualifications, previous internships/projects done (if any), skills, area of interest, work experience (if any) etc.
  • The application form and declaration by student & Principal/HOD should be filled in all respects
  • The application in the prescribed form completed in all respects by the applicant and duly approved by the Principal/HOD should be received in HRDD, VSSC on or before due date mentioned above. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
  • The application may be sent by post to Head, HRDD, VSSC, ISRO P.O, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 022 or the scanned copy of application may be sent through mail (

Decision on the acceptance/rejection of the application will be communicated to the student through mail or provided contact info. (ISRO internship 2023)

Registration of Ph.D. degree holders:-

Ph.D. holders and those who have already submitted the thesis and awaiting the be awarded with the  degree  in specialized areas of studies in Engineering/Science/ Technology relevant to the Indian Space Programme such as; Aeronautics, Agriculture, Atmospheric Sciences, Chemical, Civil, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computer, Control Systems, Electrical, Electro-Optics, Electronics, Environmental, Geology, Material Science and Metallurgy, Mechanical, Oceanography, Power Systems, Remote Sensing, Space Science, Structures, Telecommunication, Water Resources, etc., are invited to register themselves for possible employment in ISRO. (ISRO internship 2023)

Click here to register

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