Free Internet Offer Scam : Viral message on social media offering free internet could be a scam

Don’t be so exited to see the Free internet offer in your inbox or social media, It could be scam. (Free Internet Offer Scam) Recently a message falsely claims that the Government has promised 100 million users free recharge plans for online education.

Reporter finds that, A fake message doing rounds on social media offering free internet is likely to be a scam. To protect their users from falling into the trap, telecom companies are now issuing a public advisory, warning users that such messages promising free recharge plans for online education floating on social media could possibly steal their personal data. (Free Internet Offer Scam)

The telecom organization noted that the message falsely claims that the Government has promised 100 million users free recharge plans for online education. “It encourages people to click on a link to avail the free offer,” COAI added in its statement. 

COAI further warned all telecom users and urged them not to click on any malicious links that could steal their data from their smartphones or computers. “We want to caution the public about this scam. If you get such a message, DO NOT click on the Link as it could lead to data and information theft from the mobile device, and can have other serious consequences.”

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