7th pay commission – DA hike 38% in this state.

7th pay commission – Haryana govt. recently increased the DA of its employees and pensioners from 34% to 38%. The government increased DA will be paid to its employees with the pay of October 2022. As per 7th pay commission, DA (Dearness Allowance) hike by 4%.

Union minister Anurag Thakur had announced that the DA would go up to 38%. The same has already happened in U.P. The C.M of U.P, Yogi Adityanath had an announcement on social media (twitter) saying, “The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to increase the dearness allowance and dearness relief for all state government employees and pensions to 38 per cent with effect from July 1, 2022. The government has also decided to pay a bonus of ₹6,908 to all employees for financial year 2021-22. Congratulations to all”.

7th pay commission – Shocking increase in D.A.

Calculation maximum basis salary (7th pay commission):-

Basic salaryRS 56,900/-
New D.ARS 21,622/- per month
D.A so farRS 19,346/- per month
D.A increasedRS 2276/- per month
D.A increased in annual salary byRS 27,312/-

Calculation minimum basis salary (7th pay commission):-

Basic salaryRS 18,000/-
New D.ARS 6840/-
D.A so farRS 6120/- per month
D.A increasedRS 720/- per month
D.A increased in annual salary byRS 8640/-

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Written by Tritiyaa.

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